Expert Advisory & Support

We’re not just a software, we’re your partner.

At LogicManager, we believe a hero’s journey doesn’t have to be tumultuous. That’s why from onboarding and beyond, a dedicated Advisory Analyst is always in your corner. With this support model, we offer not only a technology that delivers, but a deeper service model that provides seamless onboarding, tailored business advice, and industry best practices to match the nuances of your unique risk program.

See-Through Economy Social Media Reputation Risk

Managing Risk Variants in the See-Through Economy

The Risk landscape, like viruses, continues to morph and adapt. You build a higher wall and a taller ladder comes along. Victories go unheralded while losses, breaches, and vulnerabilities are broadcast in the See-Through Economy™. It takes a team of specialists to keep you updated on the latest threats and prepared with the latest processes and policies.

At LogicManager, you will be assigned a dedicated Advisory Analyst partner who, in conjunction with our Advisory Team, will be your Sherpa–guiding you through the evolving Risk Landscape. The combination of our evolving Risk Management insights and your business acumen helps you build a formidable yet flexible Risk Management Program.

The Risk landscape, like viruses, continues to morph and adapt. You build a higher wall and a taller ladder comes along. Victories go unheralded while losses, breaches, and vulnerabilities are broadcast in the See-Through Economy™. It takes a team of specialists to keep you updated on the latest threats and prepared with the latest processes and policies.

At LogicManager, you will be assigned a dedicated Advisory Analyst partner who, in conjunction with our Advisory Team, will be your Sherpa–guiding you through the evolving Risk Landscape. The combination of our evolving Risk Management insights and your business acumen helps you build a formidable yet flexible Risk Management Program.

Our Advisory Approach to Professional Services

Maximize Business Efforts with Risk Prioritization

Start by embedding our Advisory Analyst’s mastery of a risk-based approach into your organization for sound prioritization throughout your business.

Unlock Business Growth with Strategic Expertise

Meet with our Analysts regularly to develop successful strategies for overcoming challenges and reaching your organization’s goals.

Faster Time-To-Value with Industry Best Practices

Our Analysts will help you customize report templates and leverage our content hub for standardizing your processes & saving time.

“These people are so attentive, they are smart– they know how to translate complex business requirements into actionable steps.”

– Mabel Wilson, Chief Compliance Officer, Blackhawk Network

A Risk-Based Approach

Successfully managing risk faces two principle challenges:

  1. Keeping up with the changing landscape
  2. Breaking down risk management silos that create gaps in management that can be exploited.

We know that risks are not created equal. Without proper prioritization, organizations are susceptible to missing risky blindspots as well as valuable opportunities.

Non-Risk-Based Approach

  • Inefficient use of resources
  • Critical risks are buried
  • No clarity around risk dependencies

Risk-Based Approach

  • Risks prioritized by level of criticality
  • Resources are allocated efficiently
  • Complete oversight into the interconnectedness of risks
Risk-based approach to ERM advisory & support

LogicManager’s Advisory Analysts take a holistic, risk-based approach to ERM

They’ll provide you with guidance that bridges organizational silos across all company departments, levels, and vendors. This enables sound prioritization throughout your entire business – so you can allocate resources with confidence and achieve your business goals uninterrupted.

Holistic Risk Management Saves Time and Money

Typical GRC Platform

  • Separate onboarding & configuration costs.

  • Lack of connection to best practices and trends in an evolving risk landscape.

  • Strategic advice requires outside professional consulting services.

  • Consultants are disconnected from your data and platform experience, leading to time & money wasted on discovery.

  • Consultancies rely heavily on nurturing a dependent relationship; keeping you tethered to them financially.

LogicManager’s Service Model

  • Onboarding, configuration, and advisory services are not only intrinsically intertwined but also ongoing.

  • Our support team is dedicated to understanding your organization as they are to knowing the LogicManager platform; from day one and beyond.

  • Equipped to solve even the most complex challenges, minimize learning curves, and assist ERM initiatives as they mature over time.

  • Use your success as a measure of our effectiveness.

  • All at a fixed price!

The LogicManager Difference

LogicManager Onboarding & Advisory Service Model

Download Our BrochureManaging Risk in Turbulent Times

Learn more about LogicManager’s implementation and advisory service model in this free, shareable brochure.

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The LogicManager Difference

Lifetime Value Support

Effective, reliable, and dedicated to you! Although you may come to us with one solution or department in mind, we are set up to grow with you as your needs and risk program expand. From complex data loads to strategic insights, our implementation and Advisory Analyst Support Specialists provide you with exceptional service for the entirety of our partnership.

No Surprises with Fixed Pricing

When it comes to risk management, the gift of foresight is everything. We carry this belief into our pricing model by supplying you with exceptional services delivered at a fixed price. With no surprise fees, you can provide reliable budget plans to key stakeholders, and just like our pricing, our support never waivers.

90 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Managing risk shouldn’t be risky. That’s why we back our solution with a no-strings, 90-day, Risk-Free Guarantee. We are confident in our delivery, offering this unconditional guarantee without stipulations. Our customers appreciate the value they derive from our solutions. You can too.

Learn at Your Own Pace

We’ve streamlined the learning process. When you start using LogicManager, you’ll have access to LogicManager University: an online portal of video tutorials, best practice articles, and forums for interacting with other LogicManager users around the world. This means you won’t have to connect with your analyst to get every question answered. LogicManager University, alongside our intuitive platform, enables you to learn and customize most functionalities at your own pace.

“They understand the business of risk management, that’s somewhat unusual in a technology services provider.”

 – Bill Baumer, Principal of ProERM

A Positive Impact That Adds Up


Studies show that organizations with mature risk management practices, as measured by the Risk Maturity Model, realized an increased valuation premium of up to 25%.


Customers typically see 167% increase in assurance of risk coverage with LogicManager.


Perfect 5.0/5.0 in “Customer Feedback” from Forrester Research.


LogicManager’s customer base indicates a 75% increase in strategic efficiencies. This cuts tactical costs down from 24 hours per week to just 6 hours weekly.

Here are some of our customers

Want to Learn More?

Request a demo with one of our risk specialists today and discover how you can empower your organization to uphold their reputation, anticipate what’s ahead, and improve business performance through strong governance.

ERM Advisor Risk Management Software Support