Developing an Integrated Approach to Risk Management: Best Practices and Successes

Echo Payton-Brown, SVP Enterprise Risk Management, WaFD Bank

Duration: 36 Minutes

Presenter: Echo Payton-Brown, SVP Enterprise Risk Management, WaFd Bank

In this session, Echo Payton-Brown from WaFd Bank shares her organization’s best practices and successes in developing and implementing an integrated risk management program.  Echo covers her story of starting out as a one-person risk management department to building out the robust department she oversees today, and speaks to how she leveraged LogicManager to demonstrate the importance of supporting risk management resources to her board of directors.

Risk Management is the cornerstone upon which all other processes are built. LogicManager takes a risk-based approach to every process we build out and manage. Thus, it’s important to develop a strong risk management program so that it’s evident which areas of the business need the most time, attention, and resources first. This approach enables organizations to determine where the most critical risks are, where there is a lack of controls, and which risks and controls are connected to the most departments. By identifying and assessing risks, organizations can obtain powerful data to inform future decisions and processes.

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