FDICIA Compliance Software

Protect your business and investors alike with LogicManager’s comprehensive Financial Controls Management software solutions.

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This application can be achieved through:

You’re a protector. 

Your organization relies on you to handle its financial resources – that’s a lot of pressure. It’s not only your job to make sure that you’re compliant with the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX), but you’re also in charge of Accounts Payable, as well as making sure you’re adhering to the Model Audit Rule (MAR).

But it’s a challenge to do it all on your own.

Tackling all of these areas at once can feel like a lot. Without robust software, carrying out your financial controls management duties can be time consuming and unnecessarily difficult.

  • Spreadsheets and emails just aren’t enough to keep your risk-control matrices up to date when it comes to compliance.
  • Scattered methods also make it difficult to identify gaps between the internal controls you have in place and the objectives you need to meet compliance.

  • Real time reporting on the status and outcome of your audits is nearly impossible when you have to hunt down the information you need among disparate documenting systems.

  • Without automated processes, it’s hard to reach out to the people you need to engage in remediation and testing.

LogicManager is your solution.

Let us introduce you to a centralized software that erases all of your Financial Controls Management pain points in one fell swoop.

Accounts Payable 

Here’s what you can expect with LogicManager’s Finance Accounts Payable solution package:

  • Engage team members through date-based automated tasks to ensure consistency when documenting payment processes and keeping an accurate record of available cash flow.
  • Through our task functionality, if a product or order is late, missing or inaccurate, you can easily engage with vendors to swiftly resolve the issue. Tracking this information over time gives you an accurate read on vendor performance year over year.
  • Leverage forms to submit incidents for any problems that require unique attention. This may include order issues, payment discrepancies, or mismanagement of contractual agreements. By collecting data and automatically engaging the relevant parties through automated tasks, you’re tracking everything from start to finish.
  • Through our reporting tools, aggregate all accounts payable information to easily see any outstanding payments, trending patterns or mismanaged vendors.


Model Audit Rule

Achieve your MAR testing and reporting, as well as MAR risk control assessments, using LogicManager’s comprehensive solution:

  • Access a variety of financial risk assessments, compliance assessments and control libraries housed within LogicManager’s centralized platform to review past work and provide observations and recommendations as needed.
  • Tests can be linked to multiple controls across different business units, departments, assets and more. By building these relationships, your organization can come to understand how a specific control impacts the organization as a whole.
  • Working with your LogicManager Advisory Analyst, replicate any template you’ve previously been using in our report tool. This allows for minimal disruption in your existing processes.
  • Our robust reporting engine helps facilitate your report creation. Here are some examples of commonly used reports for the Model Audit Rule:

    • Mitigation Dashboard
    • Testing Calendar
    • Last Test Results
    • Testing and Open Issues Dashboard
    • Issues Summary
    • Taxonomy Narrative (allows you to choose one audit and view everything recorded for the audit in the Taxonomy section of LogicManager).

Request a DemoLearn How LogicManager’s FDICIA Compliance Software Can Transform Your Financial Risk Management Program

Speak with one of our risk specialists today and discover how you can empower your organization to uphold their reputation, anticipate what’s ahead, and improve business performance through strong governance.

Businesswoman with ERM Software Dashboards

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