On-Demand Webinar: Part 3: ERM, Third Party Management, and Business Continuity

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We look at how to reassess goals and key risk indicators: expectations have drastically shifted in the face of COVID-19, we’ll evaluate the readiness of third-parties to provide business services throughout the economic disruption, how you can continue to update and share pandemic and business continuity plans, and ensure engagement in a remote environment.

Presenter: LogicManager CEO, Steven Minsky.

Steven Minsky, the CEO and Founder of LogicManager, has the unique experience as a risk management expert during the 2007 recession, the associated TARP bail-outs as well as the H1N1 pandemic of 2009.

Duration: 55 Minutes

​​Topics Include:

Risk Management Process

ERM, Third Party Management & BCP

Use Case Examples:

Vendor Hotspot Identification, Enterprise Resource Assessment, Physical Asset & Relationship Monitoring

Risk-Based Vendor Management:

Identify & Assess, Mitigate, Monitor

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