HSE Compliance Management Software

Keep your company, community, and environment safe from harm with LogicManager’s HR- Environment, Health and Safety management software.

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This application can be achieved through:

Why a Risk-Based Approach to HSE Compliance is important:

LogicManager’s HSE Compliance Solution

Here’s what you can expect with LogicManager’s HSE Compliance solution:

  • A centralized regulation and framework library, called our Readiness Library, which can be used as the basis for any necessary gap assessments.
  • The centralized control library allows you to view all the different controls your organization is using to mitigate regulatory requirements, including a running list of plans that a particular control is used in and the various requirement statements it is linked to in one place.
  • LogicManager’s assessment area allows you to load in a specific standard or regulation and perform a gap assessment to determine what is or is not in scope for your organization, and whether or not you are meeting the requirements that are in scope for you.
  • Through our task functionality, different components of an assessment review can easily be assigned out to the appropriate parties, with admin users tracking completed tasks and reviewing information as it is collected. Plus, you can task out the action items that must be completed in order to move forward to full compliance so that you know what’s outstanding.
  • Once a gap assessment is completed, LogicManager provides in-app visualizations to show where you are or are not in compliance, how many requirements have documented controls in place, and ultimately, where the greatest number of gaps lie across the entire organization to determine where you are weakest and need the most improvement.
  • Access a configurable test design to automate the collection of results from end users and establish a set testing cycle without needing to worry about tracking those individuals down to complete their work. This also ensures that all updates are immediately captured.
  • Keep a full audit trail of when all tests were completed to prove that they were done when you said they were.
  • Leverage automatic workflows to engage reviewers and others in the testing process. If reviewers determine that additional updates are needed, LogicManager facilitates the back and forth until the testing is completed to the team’s satisfaction.
  • Gain access to our robust reporting engine to produce visualizations such as:
    • “Last Test Results” reports
    • Testing Dashboard
    • Readiness Surveys
    • Readiness Control Matrix
  • Our Office 365 integration allows you to edit your supporting documentation directly within the application, making updating any of your workpapers as easy and efficient as possible.

Related Integrations:


One-Click Compliance AI

Simply identify a relevant standard, law or requirement and let LogicManager’s AI tool take over.


Achieve HSE Compliance with LogicManager

Identify gaps

Gap assessments allow you to review the various laws and regulations that are in scope for your organization and determine how you are complying against them. If you don’t know where you are (and more importantly, aren’t) meeting requirements, you don’t know what to identify as your next steps. By determining what is applicable to your organization, you make sure that you aren’t setting yourself up for failure.

Build a strong inventory of controls

Your controls can be leveraged across various regulatory requirements. Then, the results of your gap assessment help you identify where you are most vulnerable and where you need additional controls in place.

Design more effective controls

Developing Testing activities for Regulatory Compliance is important to ensure your organization’s controls are effective as possible. It is not enough just to say that you are doing something to be in compliance; you need to be able to provide evidence to your examiners to back it up and prove it.

Prepare for the future

An effective and mature testing program allows your organization to identify where you are out of compliance and determine the action items that need to get done in order to ensure you are in compliance going forward.
Additionally, it allows you to understand trends and patterns year over year. Through testing, your organization can understand how its controls have improved over time, or conversely if there is a negative trend that needs to be addressed.

Save time & money

A central repository of controls, policies and procedures that can be managed in one place enables organizations to reduce duplicative work. By leveraging existing mitigations across different requirements and regulations, you do not need to duplicate control documentation efforts and can bring in view-only copies of controls to be tested. Additionally, you can cut down the number of tests that you need to perform to collect evidence of your compliance, saving even more time and money.

What is HSE Compliance? (And why is it so important?)

Employees are your organization’s number one asset, but they’re also your number one liability. In order to protect your employees and the environment in which they operate, it’s critical to accept full responsibility for your protecting your workers and the environment in which they operate. Today more than ever, health, safety and environmental (HSE) operations and concerns should be viewed as an integral part of your organization’s goals.

It’s critical to take proactive, not reactive, measures to ensure compliance to any HSE-related laws and regulations. Accountability and transparency are key, and it is always the employer’s responsibility to to guarantee a non-discriminatory, safe and fair working environment. Proving responsibility means ensuring that protocols and policies are well documented, and that employee awareness and attestation is easily reportable and centrally managed. This will help you avoid unnecessary litigation from employees, the negative reputation that such news can carry, and create smoother internal operations by maintaining a safe and functional environment for employees.


  • Oftentimes, compliance programs require intensive efforts and can be difficult to build from the ground up. A knowledgeable compliance team or third party partnership is important for ensuring the appropriate gaps are identified and controls are developed.
  • Buy-in from your organization is important to accurately identify controls and ensure compliance. If business processes and their managers are not correctly indoctrinated into this new culture of compliance, regulatory fines and penalties can still be incurred.
  • Lack of control identification could cause you to expose your organization to be noncompliant to a regulation. This could result in fines or additional penalties.
  • An unorganized testing process can result in duplication of efforts or missing information. It can also lead to tests not being performed correctly, and therefore vulnerabilities not being identified.

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Speak with one of our risk specialists today and discover how you can empower your organization to uphold their reputation, anticipate what’s ahead, and improve business performance through strong governance.

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